Clients: Submit Jobs
millennium search, staffing agency

Staffing and Employment Solutions

Submit Jobs for Free

You can use the below form to submit jobs to our client services team.

Looking for employment?

Submit Jobs to Millennium Search
Fill out our form to send us jobs: you need great employees, and we can find them fast.

Thank you for considering our staffing agency for your hiring needs. To ensure that we can quickly match your job opening with the right candidates, please include the following information in your message:

To Submit Jobs, Include This Information:

  1. Location (city, state, country) of the job opening
  2. Detailed Job Description including duties and responsibilities.
  3. Required Skills and Qualifications for the position.
  4. Employment Type (full-time, part-time, freelance, etc.)
  5. Salary or Hourly Rate (optional)
  6. Application Deadline for submitting applications.
  7. Contact Information (name, email, phone number) for the hiring manager or HR representative.
  8. Additional Details about the company culture and benefits offered.

By providing this information, we can ensure a smooth and efficient process for finding the right fit for your company.

What happens after I submit a job?

Our Client Services team will review your request. We may contact you via email, so save info@millenniumsearch.com as a contact in your address book. If you provided a phone number, you may receive a call from our team. If you didn’t not include enough details, we may not reach out to confirm. So, if you did not hear back, please make sure you supply the information needed to review your company and the job description is included as well as where the job is located. What about remote? If remote, please tell us your headquarters location.

Meet Us on LinkedIn

Come say hi on our LinkedIn Page here: linkedin.com/company/millennium-search/